Three Imaginary Girls

Seattle's Indie-Pop Press – Music Reviews, Film Reviews, and Big Fun

In an attempt to reach out and touch all of the loyal TIG readers, I'd like to announce the Erik Gonzalez Mailbag. If you have any questions, any at all — on music, on media, on baseball, on the distribution of the isotopes of magnesium in the lithosphere, anything — send me a message! You can get to my message link my clicking my name and then looking for my contact tab. Or you can email me directly at erik <at> threeimaginarygirls <dot> com.
Once I get a critical mass of questions, look for answers here on the imagi-blog. So, ask all your questions (unless their about love and sex … damned if I know anything about that. If you have those questions, try Love is Hard with Rachel Flotard.)