Three Imaginary DVDs to see: a music doc, a Sinatra classic, and Joaquin's last role ever
Yikes. So, the list of DVD releases today is…well, even thinner than last week (Uwe Boll? Another Street Fighter movie?? And the Jonas Bros???). But I dug in and found three which will make it into my player at some point:
RiP! A Remix Manifesto: This is the one I’m most excited about – a documentary by Brett Gaylor that looks at intellectual property laws – mostly by profiling controversial artist Gregg Michael Gillis, AKA: Girl Talk. It reportedly explores both sides of the issue, and looks pretty interesting:
The Man with the Golden Arm: I’ve never seen this – but I do like Preminger (even if he is a little over-dramatic). This 1955 classic showcases Frank Sinatra as a card dealer and heroin addict trying to beat his habit so he can drum in a jazz band. And hey, the guy was nominated for Best Actor, so he must have done something right. Kim Novak also stars as a former flame and ally – and I’ll pretty much see anything with her in it.
Two Lovers: Honestly this sounds like total BORES-ville, but I’m willing to give it a chance, since it may be Joaquin Phoenix’s last role EVER (*coughcough*). Leonard Kraditor (Phoenix) gets stuck in a love triangle with Michelle (Gwyneth Paltrow) and Sandra (Vinessa Shaw). Paltrow plays the girl he wants, Shaw plays the girl his parents want him to want. I’d be lying if I said that a nomination for the Palm d’Or at Cannes didn’t have anything to do with this being on the list.