Countdown to the Imaginary Holiday Spectacular: don't forget your donation to Teen Feed!
We know you've got your tickets already for our party this Friday {and if you haven't done so yet, you can scoop them up right on over here at the Brown Paper Tickets site}, but in case you've forgotten, we wanted to remind you that the fine folks from Teen Feed will be on hand to accept your donations for the duration of the evening.
They're looking for clean socks, interview-appropriate clothing, and winter wear that's in good condition. Of course, monetary donations are always welcome, but if you've got those don't-quite-fit-anymore buttondowns, extra coats, or office-friendly blazers hanging around the house that you've been meaning to give to Goodwill — bring them with you on Friday! Teen Feed will be happy to take them off your hands, and trade you a smile and some information about their organization (and a million thanks) in return.
{Teen Feed with the community to offer support to meet basic needs, build strong relationships, and ally with homeless youth as they meet their future off the streets. For more information about Teen Feed, visit their website at}