It’s been over a week since Emerald City Comicon and we’re still recovering from walking around the convention center to see all the ECCC goodness! Here are some amazing Cosplay highlights captured via smartphone by Imaginary Morgen and myself as we wandered all over the convention center:
Can’t get over this mashup of two of my FAVORITE things: Stranger Things & Jim Henson! Look at that ‘lil Muppet-y Demigorgon! LOVE.
Best Stranger Things Hopper cosplay ever? Or best Stranger Things Hopper cosplay EVER?
Nobody tell ANY of these people where Korben & Leeloo are …
100,000x better than the Nic Cage version.
I had to snap this one *as* it was coming at me, through the door! OMG GIANT TOTORO! Tot-oro, Totoro! I wish he was my neighbor …
ahhhhh omg! Studio Ghibli overload! I just cannot even with this perfect cat bus & Totoro duo.
Y’all are shipping Aurora & Elsa as much as I am, right?!?
Just a girl and her “Puddin'”
Umbrella Academy REALNESS
I was confused by intrigued by this one – is it a Canadian Mounty version of Batman? Looking it up later, I *think* it might be a twist on Logan Wayne/Dark Claw?
I would pay to see a Black Panther & Frozone movie. Just sayin’
Wonder (Woman) Team Powers, Activate!
I have zero idea who this lovable, furry creature is — but I like it!
Who will win? My money’s on the Dino, since he’s got a lightsaber …
Squirrel Girl & Tippy Toe!!! <3 <3
Caught Pain & Panic running away from Hades after he discovered them wearing Hercules merch!
This guy asked me to join him for some spaghetti covered in maple syrup and candy. I politely declined.
Pro tip: if you’re a Prince, stay farrrrrrr away from this family.
Psst: I was also on this really cool panel hosted by Shudder with my pals Brooks, Clinton, Heather, and Adrienne talkin’ about horror movies! If you missed it, you can watch the whole thing here:
ECCC, we love you! You were a total blast. Can’t wait to visit you again next year.