I can barely watch the trailer for I Used to Be Darker without breaking down in tears, but since I haven't had a chance to see the film yet, I can't tell you whether or not the whole thing is a devastating chronicle of depression, or whether there's some hope at the end.
What I can tell you is that it looks like it's beautifully-shot, elegantly-acted, and packed with gorgeously-composed music by Kim Taylor and Ned Oldham (who also star as the leads), and that it's probably going to break your heart in a million good ways. And if you're like me, you enjoy sitting through an hour and a half of something raw and real — something that lets you have a good cry, embrace what you identified with, and then leave the theater and move on to your own, happier real life.
Anyway — we've got two tickets for EACH SHOWING to giveaway, so pack up your tissues … and maybe a flask*, if that's your thing, and email us for a chance to win 'em. The film screens on Tuesday, 6/4, 6:30pm and Wednesday, 6/5, 3:30pm at SIFF Cinema Uptown (Director Matthew Porterfield is scheduled to attend both). Shoot us an email at tig {at} threeimaginarygirls {dot} com with the subject line "heartbreak" anytime between now and 7am Tuesday, 6/4. And make sure you tell us which screening you want tickets to! We'll notify the winners shortly after we pull the names.
*TIG is not endorsing drinking in theaters. But we're not *not* endorsing it either. Take that as you will.