Three Imaginary Girls

Seattle's Indie-Pop Press – Music Reviews, Film Reviews, and Big Fun

From Jorgensen is a music writer in Sacramento. One night after a show for the band We Prick You, Jorgensen was chatting with the lead singer of that band, Marcus Cortez, who asked the scribe for his phone number.

As Jorgensen soon learned, it was a big mistake to give him his number as he had gotten over 1,000 text messages from Cortez promoting his band. He tells it:

Carelessly, I obliged. First mistake, last mistake. Since that first chance meeting more than a year ago, I’ve received somewhere near 1,000 We Prick You-related text messages.

I’ve now grown so accustomed to his wanton acts of cellular abuse that I can accurately guess it’s him by the awkward timing alone. The messages are unrelenting, often coming at rapid-fire speed, and usually when I least expect them.

One time I woke up to a text about a Blue Lamp show at 1:30 a.m. and just about threw my phone out the window. Another time, my girlfriend and I were enjoying a movie and my cell phone registered five texts before the end credits rolled. I even received a phone call directly after a text from Cortez after already receiving a flier on my car, an e-mail and a MySpace bulletin.

Jorgensen goes on to say that he had to change his phone number and block Cortez's calls and texts, and added at the end of his article, "Yet, the crafty frontman still got an article out of me. That son of a bitch."

If you're so inclined and live near Sacramento you can next check out We Prick You at Old Ironsides on Saturday, January 12. And, as a warning to Erik G., they'll play in Davis, CA on February 15 at the G Street Pub.

Assist goes to Idolator.