This weekend is your last chance to show support for Seattle-based non-profit radio — no not KEXP, Hollow Earth Radio! All month long they have been hosting a series of shows titled Magma Festival to raise funding for their station, with it all wrapping up tonight and tomorrow. To date, it is reported $2,526 has been raised!
Much like the internationally known non-profit radio, Hollow Earth's DJs and team are heavily involved in the community outside of their jockeying: playing in a long list of local bands, acting as community organizers, show bookers, and even KEXP interns! Their set-list selections include a mind-boggling plethora of music in every genre imaginable as well. But, the station isn't available through radiowaves, it's only accessible streaming via their website and an iTunes near you.
Tonight's show is being held at the Dearborn Gallery, starting at 8, and will only cost you a mere $6! The line-up is slated as: Brad Dunn, NOUS, whitman, alaskas, and World History.
Tomorrow's show features Huh-uh, The Right Typewriters, Duet To-It, and Christina Antipa, and is again at the Dearborn Gallery for only $6 starting at 8.
It is not fully truthful to say this is your last chance to help them keep on keeping on, as you can always make donations through PayPal to their website. But why not fit some local live music in with your donation?
Also, there is one more show outside of these two to end the festival. It sounds rather ominous, however, with this being the only description available on their website:
March 29 : EARTHQUAKE! VOLCANO ERRUPTION. It will blow, nobody knows where, stay tuned… $8