Tonight's Recommend Show: Young Sportsmen, Eux Autres, Patience Please, Friskey at Atlas Clothing
It is a brilliant evolution that the in-store performance has grown from solely a record store environment to include bands showcasing their talents in clothing stores, cupcake bakeries and the like.
As of late, Seattle's all-ages scene as grown to include places like Velouria and Pretty Parlor hosting all-out indie-pop hoots in their front windows gone makeshift stage area. Atlas Clothing in Capitol Hill has just joined the wave and has taken it up a notch hosting full bills of breaking bands with really cheap ticket prices.
Tonight's bill at Atlas is a do-not-miss. Get thee to the south end of Broadway to see my favorite Portland brother-sister duo (Eux Autres) and imaginary Dana's favorite underage Seattle quartet (Patience Please).
I could type for hours about why Eux Autres' album, Hell is Eux Autres, is a must hear… but the long and short of it is that their understated cool mesmerizes with drummer sister / guitar-welding brother harmonies. Prepare for a delectable evening.