After a nice, refreshing four-day weekend here at the Spin (and by refreshing I mean I has so much other work that I forgot my name, my location, my age … oh wait, no that was just watching Pirates of the Caribbean 3), I'm ready to get back on track.
Today's song seems especially fitting for my new lifestyle here in Central California as it's not even June yet and it has been over 90F for the last week or so. Ah yes, summer is here and the season unfamiliar to me until now, "Oven", will be soon upon us with 115F days.
I've always wondered why Denali never became modern rock darlings – I mean, for all intents and purposes, they seem like Pretty Girls Make Graves, but, well, better. They have this weird Portishead-meets-Polly Harvey like vibe mixed with absolutely delicious vocals mixed in over the somber post-Cure melodies. "Real Heat" is no exception, the sort of music you want to score your downfall into evil if you could chose the music for such an event. It rages without getting out of hand and anyone watching your descent would know exactly what was happening. It is a shame that Denali lasted all of two albums, really, they're someone if you missed you should backtrack to make up for that little misstep.