Three Imaginary Girls

Seattle's Indie-Pop Press – Music Reviews, Film Reviews, and Big Fun

A couple years ago, my coffee-loving friend from Delaware visited Seattle and I put together a day-long walking coffee tour that took us from Capitol Hill to the U-district. We started out in the morning from Capitol Hill's Bauhaus, up to Broadway's Vivaces, to the Joe Bar, down the hill to the U-district coffee shops with a few spots along the way (of course, there was no need to stop at a Starbucks). By the end we were downing baked goods to soak up the black gold eating through our stomach and talking over each other a mile a minute. It was a good time for sure. But not one I think I'll ever relive to that scale.

Here's a fellow who took that idea up a notch… well, 100-fold. During his visit to every single Starbucks in Manhattan (there's 171 of them) in the course of 24 hours, he had:

* made 18 bathroom stops
* spent $369.14 – including an $80 bribe for a single piece of pound cake
* bought at least 50 caffeinated drinks
* 27 pieces of biscotti
* 24 bottles of water
* 12 cookies
* 1 Asian sesame pasta dish.

You can read about it as reported in the NY Daily News or just watch the YouTube recap. There a bunch of funny points in the video… but right now my favorite is the freak out at the 6.57 point of the video. And the 8.44 freakout.


Thanks to Alan J for the tip!Â