Exile in {Imaginary} Girlville, TONIGHT!!!
Chop Suey. Tonight, Wednesday night, June 25th. Doors at 8p, "6'1"" starts promptly at 9p. Come celebrate six fabulous years of TIG with us.We really,…
Seattle's Indie-Pop Press – Music Reviews, Film Reviews, and Big Fun
Chop Suey. Tonight, Wednesday night, June 25th. Doors at 8p, "6'1"" starts promptly at 9p. Come celebrate six fabulous years of TIG with us.We really,…
As if you needed an excuse to tune in to KEXP, Star Anna will be performing live on-air at 7p tonight with Don Slack. Star…
Here is the exciting news we've been dyin' to tell you... TIG is oh-so proud to announce our next big bad event adventure. The night…
From the Three Imaginary Girls Sparkly Indie-Pop Flickr Pool... Photo from Blush Photo.