Hello music fans! While the fate of the music industry is still walking the edge of a blade, there are some folks venturing out (hopefully as safely as possible) to experience everything we’ve been missing over the last year. FIsherman’s Village Festival in Everett, WA was my opportunity to see so much music I’ll be full up for at least a couple weeks (well… my hunger is hard to satiate but at least I got a huge helping). A lot of the acts were hyper local and that suited me just fine. I’ve been keeping an eye out for great talent but Everett bands haven’t been on my radar as much as they should be. Thankfully I had fellow photographers and friends up north to show me what I’ve been missing! Check out my shots from day one and keep an eye out for follow up posts from day two and three. If you were there, let us know how you enjoyed the fest or what you would have liked to see if it fell short.
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