Aw, how romantic. Send some heartwarming messages to your valentine via The Mountain Goats + Movies Tumblr.
Portlandia (yay!) nails how imaginary moms would approach the problem of insufficient indie-rock in preschools.
Drunk(ish) comic book history: aka John Landis's son, Max, schools us on The Death and Rebirth of Superman (with the help of his celebrity friends)
Say it Ain't So – a Weezer…cruise??!!?!? What the. Who came up with this idea?
Banksy + Tom Hanks: There's a new grafitti star in town: Hanksy.
A lesson in freaking people out: Construct remote-controlled planes that look like flying people and fly them over NYC.
PhyloPic: More animal clip art than you can shake a giraffe at.
Bonus: Tweet of the week! (omfgpugs)
Anything we missed that belongs on this imaginary list?