There’s a lot that can happen over the period of ten years… especially in an amazing city like Seattle. Sometimes the best way to keep track is with numbers (and boy do we heart .xls). So, our fine imaginary gal Char Davidson put together this fabulous infographic to sum up the first ten fabulous years of Three Imaginary Girls.
You can see the print version in our Imaginary Zine and click on the below image to view a large version.
If you haven’t picked up or ordered a copy of the zine yet (or you want to buy another!), you can order online or purchase at any upcoming Three Imaginary Girls event in the near future (next one: the 10th Anniversary Ice Cream Social at Bluebird Ice Cream in Capitol Hill on July 12!). The zine is limited run of 333 copies (the back cover does not lie), so buy yours soon!