Oh how I love my Wainwrights! Rufus and I go way back, but my love affair with his sister Martha is just as hot and heavy, as she was playing with him live (and lending vocals on record) since his first record. Martha of course now has her own respectable career in full swing, highlighted, for me anyway, by the lovely song "Blood Mother Fucking Asshole."
Now she's coming back with the also-sentimentally titled I Know You're Married But I've Got Feelings Too. According to Rounder Records (which is like a mile from where I am right now!), the record releases on June 10, and I know I'm counting down!
Also, NME appears to have the songs available to listen to here (scroll down to the media player). I'm not on my own computer at the moment, thus I cannot verify this, but it seems you'd need to log in and then you can listen away. Confirm or deny this if you happen to try!