From the TIG Sparkly Indie-Pop Photos group:
Forgive me readers, it's been awhile since my last Flickr photo of the day post. You see, I've been away… far, far away, in a land called "South Florida." It's a place where I lived long, long ago, where people who still want to see me from time to time still live. So every now and then, I board a plane and get cut off from the life I know for a week and go back to the Hot Land That Indie Rock Forgot.
Seeing this photo from last week's No-fi Soul Rebellion show made me think: No-fi are like the anti-Florida. They are zany and weird and tattooed and loud and outlandish and all sorts of things that people in Florida are not. So seeing this photo in our Flickr group made me smile extra big today. It's good to be back!
Thanks to human? for sending it our way.