Three Imaginary Girls

Seattle's Indie-Pop Press – Music Reviews, Film Reviews, and Big Fun

Plan ahead to shop for alternative goods and support local crafters at three upcoming indie craft events.

 To the point, in presentation-ready short-form:

  • Punk Rock Flea Market: December 6th
  • Urban Craft Uprising: December 6th and 7th
  • I Heart Rummage: December 21st

Did I miss any good indie craft fairs? Yes? Be a dear and add to this list in the comments, k?

Useful craft trifecta details follow, in narrative long-form:

Punk Rock Flea Market, Dec 6th

In addition to handmade craft goods, the Punk Rock Flea Market typically offers artwork, vintage stuff, books, housewares, records, and whatever else DIY people want to sell. And don't worry that you might not be punk enough to go: "punk rock" refers to the DIY spirit of the event rather than a specific music genre or lifestyle. All are welcome.

Punk Rock Flea Market is at the Underground Events Center, 2407 1st Ave. in Belltown. Sale starts at 10:00 am, Bands start at 6:00 pm. A buck or two donation is requested for entry.

Urban Craft Uprising, Dec 6th and 7th

The annual Urban Craft Uprising is an upscale event with higher-end goods and prices to match. You won't find many items selling for less than $20 here. However, quality leads: you definitely get what you pay for. Last year I picked up a couple of leather wristbands and a T-shirt and have been very happy with the purchases. Your favorite vendors from neighborhood street fairs will likely be at this event. Early arrivers will be rewarded with a gift bag of freebies.

Urban Craft Uprising is at the Seattle Center Exhibition Hall, 11:00 am – 5:00 pm

I Heart Rummage, Dec 21st

December's I Heart Rummage sale is for procrastinators and folks who regret not buying that special something from a local crafter earlier in the month.  All items are orginial and handmade (no imports) and jewelry is limited to no more than six of the 35 spots. At previous IHR events I've bought awesome hand-knitted wrist warmers, bracelets, and a necklace. Prices tend toward the reasonable end of the spectrum.

I Heart Rummage is at Chop Suey, 1325 Madison, 12:00 – 4:00. Free.