Three Imaginary Girls

Seattle's Indie-Pop Press – Music Reviews, Film Reviews, and Big Fun


Burlesque: I don’t know how anyone can watch the trailer and not laugh all the way through it, because SERIOUSLY. So why am I recommending it? I’m imagining that it’s so terrible, that like Showgirls (which its drawn frequent comparison to), it would be a lot of fun watching with a ton of friends and a few (hundred) bottles of vodka. Plus, you know, it’s got Cher!


127 Hours: Confession – I totally haven’t seen this yet. I’ve been avoiding it only because I know I’ll just be waiting and waiting and waiting for the part where he actually chops off his arm in such an obsessive way that I won’t be able to pay attention to anything else. But! It’s a must-see for Franco’s performance, so I’m ready to bite the bullet and dive in.


Love & Other Drugs: Sure, this is probably just a typical romantic comedy disguised as a non-typical one, but HELLO NURSE. Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway naked? Or at least, mostly naked? Yes, please.