"Some love never dies, it just gets twisted." This according to one of the talking heads in Crazy Love, the brilliant, messed-up documentary about some not-as-brilliant, more-messed-up folks. It's one of my SIFF highlights for the week; capsule review and trailer follow.
Crazy Love (5/30 9:30p Pacific Place)
Truth can be stranger, and stupider, than fiction. Case in point: what went down between Linda Riss and Burt Pugach, the two subjects of this documentary about an obsession-triggered maiming case (ambulance-chasin' lawyer hires thugs to throw acid into ex-girlfriend's face post-breakup) that held New York in thrall in the late '50s, mid-'70s, and mid-'90s. I had trouble caring about the characters/subjects for the first half-hour, and wished for a bit more narrative thrust to add much-needed momentum during the occasionally draggy proceedings, but the eccentric talking heads and the bizarro situation they created for themselves (not to mention a resulting series of media maelstroms) get fun. And crazy for real.