Three Imaginary Girls

Seattle's Indie-Pop Press – Music Reviews, Film Reviews, and Big Fun

Bumbershoot is looking to fill three volunteer Media Escort openings.

The MEOs will need to work for the duration of the Festival (Sat 9/1 – Mon 9/3), and attend a pre-festival orientation (currently scheduled for evening of Mon 8/27, but another time could be arranged). If you or someone you know is looking for a fun way to be an integral part of the Festival team and gain PR / event experience, this is super volunteer opportunity.

Here's the skinny:

Escort radio MCs to stages. Meet press photographers at stage and lead to photo area for first 3 songs. Monitor stages for unauthorized photographing. At direction of PR Director, escort working media to artist interviews. Preference for volunteers w/ PR or event background, and those who can work all 3 days. Please note: this position requires attendance at a 30 minute orientation on Mon 8/27, 9:00 PM. This orientation will directly follow the All Staff / All Volunteer meeting, which is at 8:00 PM in Fisher Pavilion.

The three stages for which we currently need Media Escort are the Starbucks Stage (Mural), Esurance Stage (Fisher Green), and Sound Transit Stage (Broad Street). The Media Escort schedule parallels the performance schedule on each stage. For the complete lineup / performance schedule, visit Again, we're really looking for people that are excited to become a part of the PR team for all 3 days of the weekend.

PR or event experience is preferred, but not required. We just need smart, reliable, committed and friendly volunteers! 

To get more information about these positions, and the many other Bumbershoot volunteer roles that require less of a time commitment, please visit and sign up for a team (or several!). These Media Escort positions are under the "PR/Marketing" team.