Last Friday, Damien Jurado and an all-star cast of friends played to a packed house at Easy Street Records in West Seattle, as part of KEXP‘s Hood-to-Hood challenge winner’s day. Not only did the performance round out a day of tremendous live acts and a blast of a broadcast, but it also gave us a sneak peek at the new album (out today), Saint Bartlett. The songs are tremendous, the performance blew the roof off of Easy Street, and the record completely translates into a dozen or so tracks of pure greatness.
If you missed all of this, however, fret not: you (and seventy-five of your closest friends) can go pack the Ballard Sonic Boom tonight for a encore performance at 6:30p. Tonight’s set also marks the official release of Saint Bartlett, being new release Tuesday and all, and we’d highly recommend picking it up (on vinyl, if you have the means) while it’s there to get your hands on.
Easy enough, right? Let’s recap:
Today is new release Tuesday. Saint Bartlett, by Damien Jurado, is out today. You should go to Sonic Boom tonight, watch the in-store at 6:30, and then buy a copy of the album. Or four. It’s genius.
Got it? Good! We’ll see you out in Ballard!