Three Imaginary Girls

Seattle's Indie-Pop Press – Music Reviews, Film Reviews, and Big Fun

Ahh, The Malinks. We're recidivists of the Malinks. Repeat offenders.

igLiz caught the band rocking the Consolidated Works Project with Hypatia Lake in November, just four months after we both witnessed the band's great set with Tullycraft Showbox Green Room, a place that borders between being a really cool intimate show venue and a Denny's. Not exactly ideal circumstances.

igLiz caught the band rocking the Consolidated Works Project with Hypatia Lake in November, just four months after we both witnessed the band's great set with Tullycraft last summer. Having been delighted by the band's energy and great live show both times, we eagerly anticipated band's performance. Except I got sick. Then Liz got sick too. And they were playing at the Showbox Green Room, a place that borders between being a really cool intimate show venue and a Denny's. Not exactly ideal circumstances.

But like us, the Malinks bounced back from these minor setbacks and played on. This band is resillient!

The Malinks. Photo by Ryan Schierling.The Malinks write and perform cute poppy-punk songs about girls, featuring simple chord progressions and lilting vocals, They remind me of summer nights and dancing with drinks, a rowdy crowd, a side-wise glance. They definitely don't blend with a upper respiratory infection. And they definitely respond to a more lively setting.

I'll take my Malinks with an Absolut Mandarin and soda over a Dayquill shot any day, thanks. *cough*

Moral of the story? Go see these boys when they're playing somewhere that isn't filled with vinyl booths.

While we wait for such an opportunity to arise, at least we have a new album to look forward to! The Malinks have been busy working on a new CD at Egg and Litho studios with the producer they've loving dubbed "the knob-tastic Johnny Sangster."

Can't wait for the new album OR the next live show you say? Want to hear a song from the forthcoming Malinks record right now? Why here's one called "Taking It Hard". Go listen!