So I had a fever. It was 100.8 – a legitimate "Mom I need to stay home from school today" sickness. But the Long Winters! And Carissa's Wierd!! What's an imaginary girl to do? What would Sean Nelson do?
The irony of attending the show with fever proved too much to resist. It may never rain enough to cool my fever, but taking four Tylenols with a DayQuill chaser, that seemed to do the trick. "Medicine Cabinet Pirate," indeed! And I was not disappointed. The Long Winters just may be the most talented local band around.
They just write the most fantastic metaphors. I've been singing this one unreleased track that they played in my head ever since I heard it; it has an incredibly catchy melody and one of the greatest romantic longing metaphors I've heard in some time: "I'm waiting for you to throw more than… Shapes." Who isn't waiting for that? I just love it.
And I loved watching the show while seated in half-lotus on the floor of the Paradox. What a cool place. The Long Winters rocked my world. If these guys don't become famous, I shall weep and wail with sorrow that doesn't end. l
You said it, girlD! That Long Winters set made the all ages action at the Paradox really worth the price of admission. Yea, yea, everyone (and KEXP) has been telling me how great their new album is and how wonderful they are live — now I admit that I am behind the curve on this one. I left the venue convinced I had found my new favorite local band.
It is difficult to decide if the each song's strong points were the lyrics or the tight catchy melody. Ahh… puppy love is so fun.
They even shared trivia with us: John Roderick (the singer for the Long Winters) and Jeff MacIsaac (the new drummer for Carrissa's Wierd) used to play in a band together and once upon a time, they played the song "Mimi" with just drums and guitar one night, long ago, at the Rendezvous.
And yes, we did see Carissa's Wierd afterwards. They sounded hauntingly familiar (hmm, being that I had seen them less than 24 hours earlier), but could one ever tire of Carissa's Wierd? (the correct answer here being a resounding hell no!)