Three Imaginary Girls

Seattle's Indie-Pop Press – Music Reviews, Film Reviews, and Big Fun

Welcome to the wonderful new Web 2.0 home for three imaginary girls!!!!!

Yep, this is our brand spakin' new website. It's the website we've been dreaming of launching for years, the website we've been working on for months. For you geeks out there, we now have a back-end content management system (Drupal). It's the most rock and roll thing we've ever seen (even including the Hives). We are madly in love with the new features…

  • We have a blog (obviously, you're looking at it!). This means you're going to be hearing loads more from your imaginary girl friends.

  • We have an artist index (see it over there to your right?) where you can search on any band we've ever written about.

  • We have special webpages for bands and labels, where you can see everything we've ever written about your favorite artists (see The Thermals, The Long Winters, or Math & Physics Club for some great examples). Or search on your favorite labels (like Barsuk or Sub Pop). Neat!

  • We have the rebirth of Love is Hard, the greatest love advice column in the world, written by the amazing Rachel Flotard of Visqueen.

  • We have author bio pages, where you can learn more about our rockstar writers (like Erik Gonzalez, seratonen, Joseph Riippii, stella, and of course, about three imaginary girls).

The site is chock full of loads and loads of other coolness bits. But before we tell you all about them, we need to go crack multiple bottles of champagne over our laptops and shriek OMG! OMG! OMG! WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for the next several hours. But before we go — HUGE imaginary thanks to Robby from We absolutely could not have accomplished this without you!!

Check it out and please tell us what you think!