Three Imaginary Girls

Seattle's Indie-Pop Press – Music Reviews, Film Reviews, and Big Fun

igDana isn't even back from her trip to France and I've already got an idea of where she'll be going next (three years from now, the year we finally let her leave Seattle again).

The folks at Warner Brothers and Universal Studios Orlando are teaming up to give us a Harry Potter theme park set to open in Orlando in 2009.

As reported on

Visitors can stroll about Hogsmeade, discover the mysteries of the Forbidden Forest and explore Hogwarts castle.

"(Visitors will) be able to sense the sights, the sound, the touch and the feel, the smells and really immerse themselves in this authentic world," Williams said.

Stuart Craig, the Academy-Award winning production designer who has worked on the Harry Potter movies, is leading the creative design on the park to ensure it remains true to the look and feel of the films.

“Our primary goal is to make sure this experience is an authentic extension of Harry Potter’s world as it is portrayed in the books and films,” Craig said in a press release.

The Wizarding World will feature rides, shops and restaurants all based on the fictional world of Harry Potter.