Imaginary Exclusive: Blue Skies for Black Hearts cover Young Fresh Fellows
Attention all Blue Skies for Black Hearts and Young Fresh Fellows fans!!! My favorite Portland band sent me this brand spankin' new video and asked me to share it with our Imaginary readers first. The video shows BSFBH covering Young Fresh Fellows' "Aurora Bridge" — with special guest SCOTT MCCAUGHEY!! Since YFF is one of the first bands I actually moshed to, and I am now a maniacal Blue Skies fangirl, I have an extra soft spot in my heart for this combination. Please watch the video. The vocals are glorious.
Even better: Blue Skies for Black Hearts are playing The Comet next Thursday, June 7, and we have a pair of tickets to give away! Send an email to tig {at} threeimaginarygirls {dot} com with the subject line "Over There" between now and 6/4. We'll pick a winner Monday morning and put your name on the list +1 for The Comet show on Thursday. And in case I haven't made it clear before, YOU WANT THOSE TICKETS. Because Blue Skies for Black Hearts is so much fun live!
{Blue Skies for Black Hearts w/the Knast, Hearts and Thugs, Gibraltar | The Comet| June 7 | 9pm, $7}
Video filmed and recorded at Perma Press Recording, Portland, OR.