For H.P. Lovecraft superfans: The (animated) Adventures of Lil Cthulhu (above)
"Little Cthulu is hungry after his long nap. What does he do? He eats his followers!"
Our favorite Valentine's love story: Proposal by Infographic
Pretty-pretty: Scans of Vintage Vogue pages from the 50s & 60s
Tail to Tail: Requiem for a Dream in 60 seconds — with puppets
Life moves pretty fast: Even if you hate that new Ferris commercial, you still need one of these.
"Sorry about Jabba…": Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, retold in Iconoscope!
LOL Fontz: Cats as fonts (Helvetica is ridiculous!)
Monkey cuteness! Capturing zoo close-ups with an iPhone + a mirror