Three Imaginary Girls

Seattle's Indie-Pop Press – Music Reviews, Film Reviews, and Big Fun

Jason Doctor Rules!!!We've got a very important anniversary to celebrate here at imaginary headquarters. Ten years ago this week our very dear and very wonderful friend Jason Doctor, known by the imaginary name sero(tone)in, took the reigns of our imaginary show calendar as Calendar Editor-in-Chief.

Day in and day out, for the past 10 years, Jason has kept the Three Imaginary Girls calendar stocked full of all the show goings on in this town as well as infusing it with his learned recommendations.

He fearlessly tames the Three Imaginary Girls calendar email alias, wading through thousands of emails and the various weekly paper ads and announcements all in the name of keeping Seattle up to date on what shows they should go see (or at least be aware of).  

When he's not devoting all that time and hard work to the site, he's a brilliant barstool companion. He's a clever fountain of information about what happened at recent shows, what albums should be on our iPod, and what restaurants we should go to.  His dry wit is unmatched and champion-grade.  Oh, and dude can craft a fancy cocktail and bake a killer pie.

And, truthfully, we still don't know why he puts up with us.

I could post 100s of videos of songs he's introduced us to. But this one, a song by the Cure and performed by one of his favorite bands, always brings a smile to my face: Superchunk covering "In Between Days".

To loosely paraphrase Robert Smith (as sung by Mac McCaughan), "there couldn't be us… without you, Jason Doctor!"  (That is what they are singing, right?)