Three Imaginary Girls

Seattle's Indie-Pop Press – Music Reviews, Film Reviews, and Big Fun

Mate Latte

My love affair with Pixie brand Maté Chai Latte continues!

As a result of my …things I love post a fortnight ago, the Pixie people sent me a package with all kindsa mate goodness: a box of Authentic Maté tea, a box of Maté Chai, and a box of Maté Chai Latte Concentrate (which is what I am drinking right now – NUM!).

See, the internet is magical! And tasty!

Another reason to be excited this morning: My laptop (which died last weekend) is back home with a new harddrive (the stuff on the hold harddrive is still MIA – fingers are crossed). The only thing is that the new harddrive comes with the latest version of Windows. This new version is totally lame and confusing… especially the new version of Internet Explorer which has baffled me in a whole new way.

Shall I suggest that you all add “back up harddrive” to your list of things to do this weekend? I hear it’s going to be a rainy Sunday – perfect timing, eh?

But enough about me, my maté, and computer woes – what do you all have going on this weekend?