It was quite the Monday night earlier this week, when Rhett Miller and the Old 97’s took over the Showbox with a little help from Langhorne Slim. 2011 has started off with a run of great shows: nights with the Head and the Heart, Damien Jurado, Lemolo, Cahalen Morrison & Eli West, and Jose Bold have packed the last twenty-odd days (and that’s just naming a few). Not to mention last weekend’s Crafternoon, where we listened to the new Radio Dept. album and made some of the cutest Valentine’s Day cards this side of the sound.
Coming up, we’ll be seeing what’s sure to be stellar evenings from Say Hi, Cotton Jones, The Builders and the Butchers, John Darnielle, the Cave Singers, and the annual Dancing on the Valentine spectacular, which is coming our way on February 11th at the Crocodile — save that date! What’s coming up on your dance card in the next few weeks? What have you seen in 2011 so far that’s knocked your socks off? Talk about it below, and visit our imaginary flickr pool to fawn over (or add) some photos.
{Big thanks to David J. Lee for the shot of our favorite serial ladykiller above!}