Recommended show: McGinn fundraiser with John Roderick, Hey Marseilles and a special surprise guest {Friday, 3/9}
{John Roderick/Long Winters photo by Victoria VanBruinisse}
Tonight {Friday, March 9} some of Seattle's Best are set to take the stage to raise funds for the McGinn mayoral campaign at the regal Showbox at the Market. Not to get all political on you, but it's fair to say that McGinn has done some very fine things for this city and another term would be a great thing for Seattle, the city of music.
And we're not the only ones who think so! Folks much smarter than we are feel so strongly that they have volunteered to perform at this Friday's fundraiser. Short performances by John Roderick, Hey Marseilles, and a ***Special Surprise Guest*** are ours for the taking for the suggested donation price of $25. For those who want to feed their ears AND tummies, local food truck legends Skillet and Molly Moon's will be parked out front.
If you're looking for hot VIP action, there's a Special VIP Reception option available. Give a gift of at least $35 per month or a one-time gift of $250 or more, and you can attend the VIP reception with the artists and Mayor McGinn.
The evening's festivities start at 7pm and the event is all ages.
Anyone have an inside scoop or entertaining guess on who the special surprise guest is?
Oh, and after you mix and mingle, head over to the High Dive for the {sure to be amazing} Blue Skies for Black Hearts show!