Three Imaginary Girls

Seattle's Indie-Pop Press – Music Reviews, Film Reviews, and Big Fun

Mary Kate and Ashley - Battle of the BandsThanks to Agent Ramona for sending me the link to the Battle of the Bands competition currently in progress on the Mary Kate and Ashley blog. How could anyone possibly resist participating in this teen dream of a battle?

Oh, I guess folks could take pause for fear of having to weather a storm of overcooked commercial rock mockery. Folks, don't fret… there are three or four (depending upon your taste) actually worth checking out.
(in descending order of my preference)

  • Lil Hospital
  • Bethany Sharayah
  • Bad Flirt
  • Dark Cloud

Yep, my pick is Lil Hospital… which I kinda expected. I've been a fan of their earlier releases for sometime and, really, is it any secret that I'm a sucker for the lo-fi indie pop? Their song "Heavy Metal" is a trip into fuzzy lo-fi indie-pop with early Beach Boys naivety. Delightful. But, if I could have a second runner up, Bethany really caught my ear with her sassy lil growl.

Anyway, feel free to listen to all of them and log your vote. MK and A will thank you. The polls close on April 23rd.

And, whatever you do, DO NOT click through and read MK & A's most recent blog entries. You'll be more disappointed in humanity than you think.

Go vote and then get the eff out!

But if you do find something good in there, like the entry about sneezing while putting on mascara, please do share!