Just a quickie note to say HOORAY and HUZZAH!
Three Imaginary Girls is 9 years old today!!!
We aren’t doing much to celebrate this year, mainly because we’re already working on plans and ideas for making next year’s big 10th bday super spectacular {anyone want to join a committee?}. This weekend’s shows and the last weekend of SIFF will offer plenty opportunities for us to get out and raise a glass to mark this awesome occasion.
Here’s to another 9+ years of being giddy about all the great music and film and people of Seattle. Thanks to you and everyone who makes all this radness possible!!!
{PS – Not sure if you knew this already or not, but Three Imaginary Girls’ founders met while answering phones on a Friday morning pledge drive shift at KEXP. It’s a neat coicidence that today is the last Friday of the KEXP pledge drive… so if you haven’t already donated…}