Three Imaginary Girls

Seattle's Indie-Pop Press – Music Reviews, Film Reviews, and Big Fun

Jennifer’s Body @ the Meridian 16 and the Metro: A hot chick becomes possessed and starts slaughtering and eating people? That sounds cheesy, stupid AND fun – as IF there was any question I would recommend this! My only sorrow is that I missed the press screening and I can’t see it this weekend due to visiting family. AUGGGH. But, I’m confident just from the preview that I’ll love it. “K…you can barely finish gym class”. Keep it up, Diablo.


The Informant @ Majestic Bay and Pacific Place: I almost feel like more has been made out of Damon gaining weight than anything else about this movie—but it looks pretty good. As good as a story of this type can be (hello, film based on a real life tale of someone working for the FBI to bring down a big, bad Corporation) – the differentiating factor being, this is Soderbergh, and he decided to turn it into a comedy.


MIFFF @ SIFF Cinema: Not MILF. MIFFF. At SIFF. What the hell is it? It’s a film festival that I would be hell bent on seeing every screening at, except for the fact that I can’t. Horror, Fantasy, Sci-Fi and Animation—the Maelstrom International Fantastic Film Festival showcases the stuff that doesn’t get enough love at regular festivals. I am crying my eyes out over missing the Deliverance-style Pig Hunt (complete with a giant, murderous, you know, PIG) for the 2nd time:


Here’s hoping for a speedy DVD release…