Three Imaginary Girls

Seattle's Indie-Pop Press – Music Reviews, Film Reviews, and Big Fun

Sometimes, my dear Imaginary friends, you come across something so unique and completely awesome that you have to share it right away – which is the case with this Bobtail Yearlings thing that ended up in my hands. 

I say "thing" because I've never seen anything quite like it. Singer/songwriter Bennett Lin put together a comic book accompanied by a folk rock album, and it's all about British biophysicist Rosalind Franklin, who apparently set some groundwork in motion for more science-y people to discover DNA's double helical structure.

Wait. WHAT?

I know, you guys. I know. You can find a sampling of the comic here, with the promise of a full-length to be released this summer — and also awesome: you can download all the songs on the Bobtail Yearlings site for FREE (but donations strongly encouraged — by ME). I seriously envision all you imaginaries with little ones using this as a means to teach your kids about an awesome female biophysicist, because the music is super fun and has great lyrics.

I suggest y'all check it out immediately — and if you have a chance, read Bennet's story on the last page of the mini-comic. It's pretty amazing, and totally makes me want to ask him out for a cup of coffee.

And if you want to check it out LIVE – Bobtail Yearlings is playing their tribute at the Rat and Raven on May 16. $5 gets you in the door!