Three Imaginary Girls

Seattle's Indie-Pop Press – Music Reviews, Film Reviews, and Big Fun

Happy Birthday TIG - You're 15 Years Fun!

Happy 15 years to you and me and all that is imaginary!

I love this time of year. It gives me a chance to gush about how amazing the TIG community is. It doesn’t matter how long it’s been since we’ve crossed paths or traded opinions about our favorite songs; each time we connect, the shared enthusiasm for music, shows, film, Seattle, or whatever our latest obsession is melts all the chocolate hearts in this city.

You may not know it, but there’s a large part of me that’s usually fighting back tears of gratefulness and giddiness when I see you or hear from you.

Hopefully we can hang out again this summer-ish. We are in the midst of crafting a meet-up and hope to have details for you soon. Let’s a raise a glass to 15 imaginary years!

Most importantly, to the ladies and gents who share their brilliant thoughts and gorgeous photos with us all 15 year(s) long – I’m in awe of you. We really are the luckiest ever.

My oh my, what a fun 15 years we’ve had. Here are three random pieces of  video proof {some of these were taken before “high resolution” was a thing}.

(1) A highlight will always be the night we hosted some of Seattle’s finest bands as they covered Liz Phair’s formative album, Exile in Guyville (2008).  I still get chills when I recall Lesli Wood performing “Divorce Song.”

(2) I love that someone captured when all of us in the audience joined Hey Marseilles on stage as they ended their set at TIG’s 2008 Christmas Party at Chop Suey.

(3) At our 10th birthday ice cream social celebration, D. Crane (of BOAT) and C. Bert (of Math and Physics Club) joined together to perform an acoustic version of the MAPC song, “Weekends Away” – and the supergroup Unlikely Friends was born {proof!}!

Let’s hold hands and brave the rest of this year together.