PDExplore is a series of shows sponsored by the ever-fabulous KEXP, where they host shows featuring Seattle- and Portland-based bands in each of the cities. In Seattle, they're generally held on Friday evenings at the Sunset in Ballard.
This weekend, the show heads south to Portland, and it's a pile of shoegazery bliss if we've ever seen one, featuring:
- The Sun the Sea
- Voyager One
- The Upsidedown
- Hypatia Lake
It all goes down at the Ash Street Salon in Portland. And if you're our lucky imaginary winner, you and a friend get to go for free, and the fellas from Hypatia Lake are throwing in a free CD as well.
Email us by 6p today to enter to win!
Is it just me, or does that poster look like a Duran Duran Rio-era Nagel print deep-throating a candy cane?