Wowee we finally made it to Day 3, and somehow our dogs weren’t even barking this year! More like a low whimper. We didn’t hit the day too hard but caught some fun sets packed with fans from Portugal the Man and Blondie, while Fleet Foxes sang soothing harmonies to a strangely empty stadium.
Can we talk about The Regrettes for a second? A) I’ve never seen a set at KEXP during Bumbershoot that actually got the audience to sandwich themselves up against the stage. B) This is the first and only time I’ve seen a crowd surfer in the Gathering Space. EVER! C) They had MOXY my friends. Their whole set was brashly bouncy and you should totally check them out the next time they’re in town.
Speaking of amazing performers, SZA brought the house down! There were tears of joy both on and off the stage, everyone was singing along, and she ended the night with “All The Stars,” as fireworks exploded overhead. WHAT MORE COULD YOU WANT IN LIFE? How about some totally choice pics from the day? BAM!

Thanks again Bumbershoot, as always, you’re a real gem! This is Brady and Jean, signing off ’til next time. <3