Three Imaginary Girls

Seattle's Indie-Pop Press – Music Reviews, Film Reviews, and Big Fun

I think Eric Grandy over at the Stranger might be as huge of a Carissa's Wierd fan as I am, as he's doing a stellar job keeping me and the rest of Seattle up-to-date on the haps of Grand Archives, a brand new band featuring Mat Brooke (Carissa's Wierd's somber front-man) as well as Ron Lewis (Ghost Stories, ex-Mines) and Curtis Hall (ex-Jeunes). Not only did he scoop TIG on the news that Grand Archives was added to the Modest Mouse bill on 4/15 last week, but he also just reported on Pitchfork's latest write-up of the band. My favorite quote from the Pfork article:

"…this sounds like the project most Carissa's Wierd devotees have been pining for. Grand Archives could very well trump the regional success and cult status attained by their forebears, for whom ambition seemed impossible. At the very least, their spelling has improved."

I am such an editor-nerd. And such a huge Carissa's Wierd fan!

As I wrote last week, I'm so nervous Mat Brooke is going to break my music heart again that I've been too terrified to listen. I plan to break through my fears and confront the music of Grand Archives today.

And I've got some more scoop for ya: Grand Archives has just been added to the bill for the Welcome CD release show at the Croc on 4/27 (good thing too, as the modest Mouse show is long since sold out).