Three Imaginary Girls

Seattle's Indie-Pop Press – Music Reviews, Film Reviews, and Big Fun


In David Barba and James Pellerito’s documentary of figure skating sensation Johnny Weir, they found a fascinating subject. Pop Star on Ice is their story of Weir, a temperamental figure who is said to be one of the most graceful male figure skaters but also spends a lot of time falling on his ass.

Pop Star on Ice is very fast-paced and has great access to Weir and those around him (like his coach), although it only touches briefly on Weir’s family and his sexuality (which comes up when a commentator accuses Weir’s programs of being to feminine for male figure skating). The filmmakers love their subject and want the audience to, as well.

The title, which comes from a comment when Weir takes part in a fashion show, is perfect. Johnny Weir is an incredibly talented skater but often unfocused and inconsistent. At the end of his worst season, he fires the only coach he ever had, Priscilla Hill. It was like his divorce from Kevin Federline.

{Pop Star on Ice screens at the Kirkland Performance Center at 11:00 am on Friday, June 5.}