Theater Review: To Kill a Mockingbird
Two recent Truman Capote biopics presented fascinating takes on Capote's longsuffering friend Harper Lee. The always-good Catherine Keener (Capote) was all quiet strength and individualistic…
Seattle's Indie-Pop Press – Music Reviews, Film Reviews, and Big Fun
Two recent Truman Capote biopics presented fascinating takes on Capote's longsuffering friend Harper Lee. The always-good Catherine Keener (Capote) was all quiet strength and individualistic…
Please tell me we're all being punk'd.Variety, via MSN, reports that histrionic shrieker Chris Crocker has signed a development deal for a reality show:Production company…
Český sen (Czech Dream), a documentary in which Czech Film Academy students Vit Klusák and Filip Remunda punk Prague with an extensive media campaign for…
In non-Bumberstuff news, this promo for The Martha Stewart Show's new season (beginning next week) must be seen to be believed.I don't know whether to lick…
As igDana considers baby names, an excerpt from a recent Courier Mail article:A Chinese couple tried to name their baby "@", saying the character used…
A Brooklyn video vigilante known only as Jimmy Justice obviously has a beef with the law. He takes his cameras to the streets, obsessively recording…
Here's an interesting attempt to get insular Seattleites out of their comfy zones. allows users to (according to the site) "connect with people outside…
Prayer for My Enemy is the latest Intiman world-premiere production by playwright Craig Lucas and director Bartlett Sher, a duo whose prior efforts have yielded…
How's this for strange justice? Thai policemen who break rules will be forced to wear hot pink armbands featuring Hello Kitty, Japanese icon for "cute,"…
Typical of many a summer movie season, this year's has had its share of silly, loud, teen-male-friendly fun. I'm talking Ocean's Thirteen. And Transformers. And…