Recommended show: Father John Misty at Neumos
From the "duh, obvsies" file: you're not going to want to miss Father John Misty this Monday night at Neumos. On the heels of a…
Seattle's Indie-Pop Press – Music Reviews, Film Reviews, and Big Fun
From the "duh, obvsies" file: you're not going to want to miss Father John Misty this Monday night at Neumos. On the heels of a…
It's that time of year again! Record Store Day is upon us, and while tomorrow's buying spree may not be much of a change of…
I'm almost not quite sure how to begin recounting last night's show at the Fremont Abbey {Round #83, with Damien Jurado, The Head and the…
Well, we were going to tune in this morning amidst the Radiohead photos and oohs-and-ahs from Andrew Bird's performance last night that are clogging our…
The short version: I saw Mike Doughty perform a few songs and read from his recently-published The Book Of Drugs at the Triple Door this…
Perhaps some of the biggest news in local show-goings-on last week was the fact that our dear friends Lemolo sold out their record release show…
It seems like only yesterday that I was standing at Zilker Park in Austin, finally feeling about four percent relief from the heat post-sunset, losing…
As we mentioned back in January, here in the imaginary office we are perpetually super-stoked on all things from the Andrew Bird camp, and the…
As expected, it was an incredible week and weekend full of shows, up to the brim with the sounds of the Magnetic Fields, Sharon Van…
My love affair with Plants and Animals is glittery and vast, and spans back to a fateful day at South by Southwest back in 2010.…