Wheel of Fortune!
8998239Omigod. This number could be the key to realizing my childhood fantasy: appearing on a game show (see also Elimidate Review for further substaniation of…
Seattle's Indie-Pop Press – Music Reviews, Film Reviews, and Big Fun
8998239Omigod. This number could be the key to realizing my childhood fantasy: appearing on a game show (see also Elimidate Review for further substaniation of…
Argo has been on our imaginary radar for some time now. We keep encountering Justin Benson and Matt Benham all over town, from shows to…
Asahi were a gentle, lovely musical presence, with front-man Tomo Nakayama and co-vocalist Kelly McDougall providing the perfect harmonies. She's so still, and he's so…
If we ever needed further proof that we are witnessing the hastened decline of our oh-so-evolved civilization, I offer you: Elimidate. Move over, Dating Game,…
Hypatia Lake never fail to devastate, like a sonorous celebratory assault. Yet while they annihilate the senses as they rock, they likewise offer nuances, softened…
I was randomly fortunate enough to make it to the last ever performance of KEXP's 'The Live Room' on Saturday, August 24, to see Portland…
I really-really-really think that Sick Bees are one of the best, under-appreciated, bands in Seattle. Yeah yeah, I know that this is saying a lot…
I really-really-really think that the Sick Bees are one of the best, under-appreciated, bands in Seattle. Yeah yeah, I know that this is saying a…
Item! A veritable Who's Who of show-goers was on hand at the Crocodile last Friday to watch shoegazing, spacerocking, psychedelic train driving monsters Kinski as…
Until recently, I had always been a big fan of music. However, thanks to my inability to say no to a woman, I am now…