The new Rat Fancy Album is going to make our summer C86-errific!
Remember a couple years ago when Rat Fancy gave us “possibly the sweetest collection of ‘fuck you’s’ ever committed to vinyl” with the summer time…
Seattle's Indie-Pop Press – Music Reviews, Film Reviews, and Big Fun
Remember a couple years ago when Rat Fancy gave us “possibly the sweetest collection of ‘fuck you’s’ ever committed to vinyl” with the summer time…
Clyde Petersen is a Seattle treasure. Over the course of 20 years, nine albums, and countless shows and films, Clyde has earned the title of…
Today I’m warming my heart with a new song by Lonesome Leash: “Gallery Floor.” The song skillfully and subtly builds into a lovely crescendo that…
The first Nana Grizol album I ever heard was their debut album, Love It, Love It. It was way back in 2008 and it was…
We are excited to share an exclusive stream of the new album by Shrug Life. The Dublin trio’s slightly self-titled debut full-length album, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ {which…
As the weather warms and we shed our headphone-ear-muffs for backyard party mix tapes, the time is perfect for Rat Fancy to release their debut…
Love distorted vintage video game graphics, a hidden Arrested Development reference, and a cacophony of hard-edged electronic metrical prose? This new Kleenex Girl Wonder video…
So Cow is (currently) the music project of Brian Kelly - who played all the instruments on So Cow’s latest release, Lisa Marie Airplane Tour…
Blue Jeans, the latest signing to Seattle's Jigsaw Records, have an ungoogleable name that could easily blend into the woodwork of your brain. Thankfully, their…
As you know, we here at Three Imaginary Girls *love* all things related to Seattle’s brilliant music scene. But we have to admit, when a British or Nordic band (ok, or Australian) comes a calling, our hearts equally flutter. So when I saw that Jigsaw Records – Seattle’s indie-pop headquarters...