Capitol Hill Block Party 2009 {Saturday}
As I approached Block Party from Broadway on day two of Block Party, I heard the rising wave of Hey Marseilles on the main stage.…
Seattle's Indie-Pop Press – Music Reviews, Film Reviews, and Big Fun
As I approached Block Party from Broadway on day two of Block Party, I heard the rising wave of Hey Marseilles on the main stage.…
Let's admit it: There has been a wave of near-deafening hype behind the Vivian Girls for over a year now. Then admit this: All that…
Clocking in at just a touch over 25 minutes, the new ten-track CD by the Girls is a retro power-pop release for all of your…
Bumbershoot is a musical extravaganza, spanning the three-day Labor Day weekend with more bands, arts, and elephant ears than anyone can possibly capture. We had…
Add another great Seattle summer music festival to a calendar burgeoning with them: Candy Fest, a one-day wham-glam-pop-and-roll-thank-you-ma'am whirlwind of music. The whole event goes…
DJ Not So Good had been brought in to spin between sets, and we were really impressed with his range and style. The first band…
Last Sunday's "Unscrew the Crocodile Employees Benefit Show" at Chop Suey was a mega hoot--gathering all of us to recount memories, see incredible performances by a slew…
It's good to know that there's a ton of folks who loved and miss the Crocodile and it's employees as much as we did. Glory be…
Since we imaginaries couldn't be everywhere at once, we wanted to share some photos of the shows that we missed, but our erstwhile photographers --…
Join The Ponys at Neumo's tonight as they plod through their critically-acclaimed catalog. From what I've heard of their new album, they've taken it up…