Viva Viva Viva KEXP and Robyn Hitchcock
"I don't think you can quit music writing," quipped Mr Hitchcock. "It's like alcohol. You never quit; you're just in recovery." I beamed. I'd just…
Seattle's Indie-Pop Press – Music Reviews, Film Reviews, and Big Fun
"I don't think you can quit music writing," quipped Mr Hitchcock. "It's like alcohol. You never quit; you're just in recovery." I beamed. I'd just…
Are you there, TIG readers? It's me, Imaginary Dana. It's been {insert far too large a number} years since my last post. But I've come…
I’m old. By any statistical measure I am past middle age and am impatiently awaiting AARP mailers. There are some benefits to my advanced age,…
25 years ago – on April 13, 1991 – R.E.M. was the musical guest on Saturday Night Live. Here’s the story about my pilgrimage to New York City in an effort to see my favorite band of all time on SNL.
{The Invitation is screening at The Grand Illusion Cinema April 7-14} It takes mastery of pacing and atmosphere in order to build a good thriller, and Director Karyn…
Thao Nguyen is known for brutally frank emotional dissections in her lyrics. Combined with her casual, personal stage presence and a disarming hint of twang…
Full disclosure: I'm Rob Crow fan and have been one for a long time. When he announced, just over one year ago, that he was quitting…
The dream of the Goth '90s is alive in Seattle! The second I pressed play on The Labrynth's debut full-length album Expanding/Contracting, I was transported back…
As you know, we here at Three Imaginary Girls *love* all things related to Seattle’s brilliant music scene. But we have to admit, when a British or Nordic band (ok, or Australian) comes a calling, our hearts equally flutter. So when I saw that Jigsaw Records – Seattle’s indie-pop headquarters...
I had the extreme honor of being a judges this past Saturday at the last semifinal round in this year's EMP's Sound Off!. I knew…